Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who is taking the "Fountain of Youth" pill?

First, let me say, that many of the people who are currently taking the "live forever" pill, do not even know they are taking it! The secret cabal of those with knowledge about the pill, is so careful not to let the secret out, that they choose the people who get to "live forever" and then secretly administer the pill to them.

I would guess that the following people are currently on the live forever pill:
Michael Jackson
Elvis Presley
George and Barbara Bush
Ronald Reagan
Fidel Castro
Ken Lay
Alan Greenspan

Add your own suggestions in the Comments!

Where did the "fountain of youth" pill come from?

Disclaimer: I made all of this up. It is a plot line to a book I'm writing. I am not simply saying I made it up, to keep the people that control the "fountain of youth" pill from killing me.

My guess is that the pill was invented in the late 1930's in Germany. One of Hitlers Henchmen "Dr Josef_Mengele" was studying cell reproduction and noticed that all cells have a mechanism to kill themselves off or stop reproducing (depending on the type of cell). This mechanism is triggered when a cell becomes damaged. When old broken cells don't kill themselves off properly, they cannot be replaced by new cells. The failure of this chemical mechanism is what causes aging, and cancer.

When a cell begins growing incorrectly, this natural mechanism causes the cell to kill itself (or simply stop reproducing). The mechanism breaks down over time because the human body runs out of a "certain chemical". This chemical is vital to the process by which "bad" cells are ridden from the body. The chemical is only created for the first few decades of life. As soon as the body is unable to reproduce, the chemical stops being created, and the body runs out of it, and eventually dies. (it is this chemical, that allows lizards to grow back their tails)

It was only later, after Hitler and his henchmen escaped to Venezuela, that the pill was developed. The chemical was refined from babies. Yes, they kill babies to create the pill.
The refining process didn't work so well at first, and Hitler along with several other associates that were taking the pill, each died near the age of 90 to 100 years old. But the secret of the pill was passed on, and will soon be out.